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Workshop Task 2

Workshop Task 2

Task 2: Signed View Calls

This is important you saw earlier in our code that contracts here we store the author and

we take this message sender  

There are two ways to communicate with smart contracts. One is the smart contract transactions that are stored on public Ledger and for those you also need to pay some gas fee in order for them to to to be computed and processed but then there’s another way  the view calls. It’s only a read only call you can call a smart contract it’s a read only call,  it happens locally inside a compute node it doesn’t write anything it just reads and then immediately gives you the result back 

This is special because  you can also encrypt view calls of course because you don’t want to have the node operator access to your call data and the response and Oasis sapphire is special in this regard is that this message sender object  will always correspond to the one who  initiated the contract view call.  For this reason the contract views need to be signed  and if it’s unsigned the Oasis sapphire will just  set this message sender field  to zero, it will know to nullify it  

Task 2: Impersonation

How does ethereum do it?

In ethereum you can set the message sender by Design  to any value you want so you can impersonate someone else and call transaction call view calls  in someone else’s  name and this is something we want to prevent.  

To summarize basically  you can rest assure that the message sender will always equal  to the caller or if it’s a transaction then the transaction is signed anyway and it also matches the caller in ethereum but if it’s a view call then in sapphire you can rest assure that this is the one who is calling that because the The View call is signed and if the view call is not signed, it wanted to impersonate someone else, then the messageSender will be zero regardless of which value the caller set this value to  and if it’s an internal  transaction, call internal smart contract call then the message sender equals  the caller of the function. 

This is the same as in ethereum right so if you have a contract that calls someone else’s function then the message sender will be the one from the original contract who initiated the the call and not the the one who broadcast the transaction

Task 2:  View Calls & Impersonation

Let’s Force the message that it Returns the message only if the one who requests it is the author of the message. This is pretty straightforward but one thing we need to do is that the message will now be private 

so something like this. 

If message sender does not equal the author of the message then we will you know panic we will revert and say something like, “not allowed” otherwise we return the message

This return  will be reachable when  the one who asks for the message is the author okay this should be it and now let’s see in our hardhat I think we already use the signed version yeah this is the signed version  because we just use the original signer here so if we just try to deploy this 

Awesome, this new contract is now deployed, let’s write a message  set message okay but we need to use the new address. The new address is this one so this is now a confidential hello world put it this way hello world

Awesome! and then if we want to receive the message it should work and this  message call will be signed using this key so the smart contract will know that our  author matches the  the private key we signed the transaction with and this is the content confidential Hello world but

if we use the unwrapped transaction so the original ethereum transaction which is not signed  

let’s use the code here  

not allowed exception okay

This is a proof that if we  executed The View calls which are not signed  that the message.Sender will be nullified and this condition here then fails  

This is a nice way to do the access control and also to avoid this gas cost attack.

The first thing  you do is check that the the the query was sent by the allowed author  then anyone you know without the permission can do whatever they want but they will never be able to extract more information of the how your contract behaves, what’s the data stored inside the contract and so on