The safest place would be the wallet, since it is non-custodial and you are the only person who can access it.
This usually happens when Oasis Scan goes down, as the web wallet is using Oasis Scan’s API to display balances, transactions etc.
But not to worry, your funds are perfectly safe.
If you want to check your balance and transactions, you can use https://oasismonitor.com . Just paste your wallet and you will be presented with your balance and transactions/staking operations.
Yes, it’s quite normal. You’ll have multiple addresses, but all tied to one mnemonic/seed phrase
Make sure that when you create your wallet and save your keyphrase, it’s saved in the same order as shown in the screenshots.

BitPie wallet doesn’t use the standardized account key generation process specified in ADR 0008. Consequently, your Bitpie wallet’s mnemonic phrase will not open the same account in Oasis Wallet.
The preferred way is to create a new wallet with an Oasis Wallet and transfer the tokens to this new address using your BitPie wallet. The cost (i.e. transaction fee) should be negligible.
If your tokens are staked/delegated, then you need to debond them first which will take approximately 14 days. Afterwards, you can transfer them to the new Oasis Wallet address and stake/delegate them via an Oasis Wallet again.
Alternatively however, if you do not want to transfer the tokens over the network, you can export the private key from your BitPie wallet and import it in Oasis Wallet in 2 steps:
On the main BitPie wallet screen, click on the “Receive” button.

The QR code with your ROSE address will appear. Then, in the top right corner, tap on the kebab menu “⋮” and select “Display Private Key”.

BitPie wallet will now ask you to enter your PIN to access the private key.
Finally, your account’s private key will be shown to you encoded in Base64 format (e.g. YgwGOfrHG1TVWSZBs8WM4w0BUjLmsbk7Gqgd7IGeHfSqdbeQokEhFEJxtc3kVQ4KqkdZTuD0bY7LOlhdEKevaQ==
) which you can import into Oasis Wallet.
First check that you added the Ledger udev device descriptors as mentioned in the Linux installation guide. Next, check that your Ledger wallet is recognized by the Oasis Core Ledger tool. You should see something like this:
$ oasis-core-ledger show_address
Ensure account address shown on device's screen matches the outputted address.
If all of the above works, then the issue is most likely that Chromium does not have the permission to access your Ledger device. Starting with Ubuntu 20.04 the Chromium browser is installed via snap package by default. Snap is more convenient for upstream developers to deploy their software and it also adds additional layer of security by using apparmor. In our case however, it prevents Chromium to access arbitrary USB devices with WebUSB API including your Ledger device. A workaround for this issue is to install Chromium natively using the official Chormium beta PPA or the official Google Chrome .deb package.
Yes, both Oasis and Ethereum wallets make use of the mnemonics as defined in BIP39 and they even use the same wordlist to derive the keypairs for your wallet. However, they use a different signature scheme and a derivation path, so the addresses and the private keys are incompatible.
Here’s a task for you:
- Visit https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ to generate a BIP39 mnemonic.
- Select ETH token and copy the hex-encoded private key of the first derived account, for example
. - Import the Ethereum-compatible account with the private key obtained above to your Oasis Wallet Browser Extension.
- Notice the Ethereum address of the account, for example
. - Now in the Account management screen, select this account and click on the “Export private key” button. Confirm the risk warning.
- You will notice the private key of the Ethereum-compatible account, the hex-encoded address and the very same address encoded in the Oasis Bech32 format, in our case
. - Now let’s use the private key from step 2 to import the Oasis wallet with. First, convert the hex-encoded key to base64 format, for example by using this service. In our example, that would be
. - Next, import this base64-encoded private key to the Oasis Wallet Browser Extension.
- You should see your newly imported account and the Oasis address. In our case
. - Observe that this account address is different than the Bech32-encoded version of the Ethereum-compatible address despite using the same private key to import the wallet with, because of a different signature scheme.
As an additional exercise, you can also create an Oasis wallet using the BIP39 mnemonic from the step 1 above. You will notice that the imported account’s base64-encoded private key in the account details screen is different from the one in step 7 above. That’s because Oasis uses a different derivation path than Ethereum.
To convert your mnemonic phrase into a private key for signing trasactions, each wallet (hardware or software) performs a key derivation. The Oasis Protocol Foundation standardized the key derivation for official Oasis wallets in a document called ADR 0008 back in January 2021. However, the Ledger hardware wallet already supported signing transactions at that time using a custom (we now call it legacy) derivation path which is incompatible with the one defined in ADR 0008. Later, in Oasis app for Ledger v2.3.1 support for ADR 0008 was added so the wallet can request either derivation from the Ledger device.
The key derivation path defined in ADR 0008 has the following advantages compared to the legacy one:
- Derivation path is shorter which results in approximately twice as fast key derivation (and transaction signing) without compromising security.
- In case your Ledger device is broken or lost and you are unable to retrieve a new one, you will be able to import your Ledger mnemonic and restore your private key in any Oasis wallet which implements ADR 0008.
For reasons above, we recommend the usage of ADR 0008. However, since there are no security considerations at stake, Oasis wallets will support legacy derivation on Ledger for the foreseeable future.
If you happen to import your Ledger mnemonic to a software wallet, consider that mnemonic potentially exposed/compromised, i.e. not appropriate for a hardware wallet mnemonic anymore. If you use a new hardware wallet in the future, never restore it from the mnemonic that was previously used by any software wallet!
Please check that:
- All mnemonics were spelled correctly. Oasis Wallets use English mnemonic phrase words as defined in BIP39. You can find a complete list of valid phrase words here.
- The mnemonics were input in correct order.
- All mnemonics were provided. The keyphrase should be either 12, 15, 18, 21, or 24 words long.
If you checked all of the above and the keyphrase still cannot be imported, please contact Oasis support.
First, check your wallet address. If the address equals the one that you expected your funds on, then the key derivation from mnemonics worked correctly. Make sure you have a working internet connection so that the wallet can fetch the latest balance. Then check that the correct network (Mainnet or Testnet) is selected. These are completely separated networks and although the wallet address can be the same, the transactions and consequently the balances may differ. Finally, there might be a temporary problem with the Oasis Monitor service itself which observes the network and indexes transactions. Oasis Wallets rely on that service and once it is back up and running, you should be able to see the correct balance.
If your wallet address is different than the one you used to transfer your funds to, then you used one of the wallets that don’t implement the standardized key derivation path defined in ADR 0008. If you were using the BitPie wallet see this question. Ledger hardware wallet users should refer to this question.
If you still cannot access your funds, please contact Oasis support.
If you want to send your ROSE from one account to another, it is mandatory to undelegate. Tokens delegated are locked with the signature of one public key. You cannot transfer this signature while Coins are locked. Remember the unbounding period is 14 days. The validator takes its commission from your rewards when they are distributed. This happens every epoch (approx. 1 hour)
The total amount you see in your wallet includes auto-compounded rewards. At that time, the Validator already got their commission.
There is no way of recovering the mnemonic phrase, if this has been lost. Not even having access to the wallet will provide the mnemonic phrase. The suggestion for the community members is to write it down and store it safely.
A: For Android, there are only third party solutions right now. You could use the Kiwi Browser, where they could install the Official Oasis Web Extension Wallet, and use it just like on the PC.
You need to install the Oasis App, that can be found right here: https://github.com/Zondax/ledger-oasis
Also, here is a step by step guide: https://docs.oasis.io/general/manage-tokens/holding-rose-tokens/ledger-wallet/
Not ‘just like metamask,’ but use u/oasisprotocol/client-ext-utils. see https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-sdk/blob/main/client-sdk/ts-web/ext-utils/sample-page/src/index.js for examples. use ‘chrome-extension://ppdadbejkmjnefldpcdjhnkpbjkikoip’ for the origin of the oasis extension wallet
Currently, the base layer consists of a modified version of Tendermint Core, a Byzantine-Fault Tolerant consensus engine. It uses a PoS mechanism and a decentralized set of node operators.
This multi-node architecture aims to reduce complexity and, ultimately, the risk of computational errors at the execution layer, which allows it to have a Consensus with only 2/3 of nodes connected.
The amount displayed in gigashares is the amount worth in the validator’s escrow pool. When de-bonding, you get the whole amount and not only the gigashares.
The system is designed to auto compound rewards for every participant each epoch (roughly every one hour).
For choosing a validator to delegate and stake your tokens, nearly none. If you choose one of the validators with less rose staked, it may be replaced by another one, so you will not receive rewards, but if you use one of the first lets say 50 or 80 from the total 120 validators, you will do just fine. Your rose is just locked in your wallet, so there is no risk of losing it, and the chance of token slashing is little as I don’t believe anyone wants to lose their tokens risking bad practices.
It is mostly personal preference at the moment of choosing, you can check their socials and their activity at oasis scan and see which one you like.
There is no kind of penalty. There is only one exceptional case, in which if they try to double sign a block, it has never happened, but if it does, some of the Rose is slashed, even a portion of users delegating. It is quite unlikely that will happen. If validator tries double sign, he gets removed, and delegators lose 100 rose.
The minimum you can stake is 100 ROSE.
Yes, you can earn rewards by delegating your ROSE to our Network.
We have non-custodial Wallets you could start using to do the delegation. You could even use Ledger connected to our Oasis Wallet.
Please check the following links to get started.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=296&v=IlN4xi2PaLk&feature=youtu.be (This is a staking tutorial)
Head on over to http://oasismonitor.com/ input your wallet address, and then click on the rewards tab.
Yeah they can not lose their tokens. There is no way to get slashed and the tokens are not in custody by the validator.
As of 7th May 2023, it is close to 6%, though you can always check the full schedule over here
Picking an active validator is entirely up to you. Keep in mind that different validators have different commission fees, and that the binance validator requires a vesting period. Meaning if you debond and exit from the binance node, before the vesting period has expired, you will not get any of the rewards. Spreading it out in different active validators helps in keeping the network decentralized.
The wallet does not have the option of adding to an existing one. A new delegation needs to be created each time.
Escrow shares is a reference to your part of a given validator’s total stake. A share is often confused with a token, but you commonly have less shares than you have tokens. So for instance if you have 1000 shares of a validators escrow, those shares can be redeemed for tokens, but it’s not a 1:1 relationship.
In other words, an escrow share represents a share of the validators stake. If you look at oasisscan.com on your wallet you can see that those escrow shares represent the tokens you staked. You will not lose tokens on debonding.
So if you reclaim those 9230 shares, what you’re really doing is you’re going to the validator saying ‘here, these are my shares, I would like my tokens please” and after debonding you will receive your ~10k tokens plus any validation rewards.
Using number of validators to measure a networks decentralization is a good place to start, however there is still far more than just the # which should be considered. I will give you an example. If Oasis were to increase the validator count from 120 to 200 validators, but Binance set up 80 new validators and delegated their current stake to all those validators with no one else delegating they would still be in the top 200 for all of the validators. The effect would be that the network has increased the number of validators by 66.6% but not gained any decentralization at all since there is still the same amount staked in the network and no new entities joined the validation pool. At the same time though we would have increased the number of redundancies that must be performed in each block which would hurt the ability of the network to scale. The end result would be the same decentralization and a less efficient network. Now obviously this is a contrived example, but I think it is a fair one which demonstrates that simply measuring the number of validators to evaluate decentralization is not enough. In ETH 1.0 for example there were countless validators, but a cartel of mining pools ran the majority of those validators. Just because they were running many validators did not necessarily mean they were increasing decentralization at all. There are decreasing marginal returns for increasing the validator pool size. After the last increase from 110 to 120 the newly established 10 validators accounted for less than 1% of the total stake in the network meaning they contributed very little decentralization. They have increased a good amount since then so perhaps it is worth submitting another governance proposal to increase from 120 to 130, but if we for example went to a committee size of 200 it is likely that the bottom half of those validators would have little to no effect on decentralization, but would definitely be wasteful and make the network less efficient.
The validator takes its commission from your rewards when they are distributed. This happens every epoch (approx. 1 hour)
The total amount you see in your wallet includes auto-compounded rewards. At that time, the Validator already got their commission.
Staking isn’t taken into account in the release chart, as they are not ‘unlocked’. They are distributed as specified by network protocol on-chain, and depend on the total escrow of tokens staked on the network. Because of this, the circulating supply can and will deviate from the token unlock schedule. As you can see on the unlock schedule, it ends right below 8bn tokens. The tokens not accounted for in the unlock schedule are the tokens distributed through staking.
Commission is deducted from the rewards
They stop earning staking rewards, but they don’t get slashed. you can still debond as normal, with the ~14-day debonding period.
This could be a problem with ledger. Ask if this is a ledger address first if yes -> Ask if they are signing with the correct ledger. If not refer to documentation on official zdocumentation on transactions.
Yes Oasis do support multiple languages. Paratime need to execute Smart Contracts in those languages it’s possible to implement. This includes C++, Python, Java, etc.
The ParaTime layer is very flexible and allows each paratime to choose its own parameters. Confidential paratimes that utilize TEEs can choose to restrict the operators that can run the ParaTime to mitigate risks due to TEE vulnerabilities. It can also be dynamic–ParaTimes can choose to relax or tighten restrictions over time based on the current state of threats affecting a particular TEE platform.
The trade-off between decentralization and protecting privacy is not static. As TEE technology continues to improve, the balance of this trade-off will likely shift.
A: DECO is a privacy-preserving oracle technology which uses zero knowledge proofs and allows data transmitted over the Internet to be confidentially attested to by oracles without the data being revealed to the public or to the oracle nodes themselves.
Sapphire is a confidential Smart Contract platform which enables smart contract execution the same as other networks, but with the added ability for those smart contracts to also be built in ways which can hide aspects of state.
There may be some overlap in the capabilities of these two technologies, but they are much more synergistic than competitive. DECO focuses on bridging off-chain data on-chain in a privacy preserving manner, while Sapphire’s use case is to enable on-chain smart contract execution which incorporates confidentiality. Just as DECO by itself is unable to come to consensus and execute a confidential smart contract, Sapphire by itself is also unable to use off-chain data without an Oracle. Privacy is becoming a major theme in crypto recently and we are excited to see so many protocols being developed which share the Oasis vision of a responsible data economy.
Hopefully we will see projects built on the network soon which leverage something like DECO as well as Sapphire to build truly end-to-end decentralized and privacy preserving applications.
In some cases, the underlying data of a confidential NFT may need to be made public temporarily for the purpose of marketing the NFT or the project associated with it. However, once the NFT is sold, the new owner can choose to keep the underlying data private. There are several reasons why someone might want to buy a confidential NFT even if the underlying data is made public temporarily. One reason is that the underlying data may have limited access or viewable only to certain people or parties, and not to the general public. Additionally, the value of the NFT may be tied to the uniqueness of the digital asset or the rarity of it and not necessarily to the data it holds. Another possible use case is to protect sensitive information or data like trade secrets, confidential business transactions, personal identification etc. where the owner of the NFT can be sure that it’s not accessible to unauthorized parties.
In and all while the underlying data of a confidential NFT may be made public temporarily for marketing or other purposes, the main value of the NFT is the ability for the owner to keep the data private once it’s purchased, adding an extra layer of security and privacy for the owner.
Sapphire currently supports Hardhat and Truffle. Remix is not yet supported but, is definitely possible to add in the future. Sapphire is EVM compatible and thus supports Metamask by default.
Sapphire is the first confidential EVM-compatible Network. This means that it is the only network where developers can build Smart Contracts in Solidity which can hide aspects of state. This added flexibility for developers will lead to numerous performance benefits and improvements in the user experience when interacting with these DApps. Use cases can be seen in a variety of sectors like DeFi, Gaming, NFTs, Decentralized Identity, and Social applications. Just as web2 was empowered by privacy protocols like HTTPS, we believe web3 will be propelled forward from these new functionalities.
This is an excellent question and one that the engineering team actually thought about
So they have created a privacy layer where you can use Sapphire like a layer two so you don’t have to migrate your entire codebase to Sapphire
So they have created a privacy layer where you can use Sapphire like a layer two so you don’t have to migrate your entire codebase to Sapphire
You can find out more by listening to this twitter spaces chat https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1YqKDolOYNNxV?s=20
Yes you definitely can, here’s the documentation for Sapphire https://docs.oasis.io/node/mainnet/#sapphire-paratime
If you’re eager to build and use Sapphire, you can do it through the ParaTime client nodes, found here: https://docs.oasis.io/node/run-your-node/paratime-client-node/
Latest generation CPUs that support SGXv2 are already supported in oasis core 22.2.x, but the network needs a governance vote for this support to be enabled.
It is solely dependent on the usage.
Encryption is done on the client side, we are using the message passing bridge (Celer IM).
As a built-in feature the answer would be no, but a messaging bridge can be used in order to achieve this.
Some consequences of the design: deposited rose remains in the total supply of the consensus layer. It’s held under an account that belongs to the paratime. Within the paratime, a new “native denomination” is minted. That native denomination is still labeled “rose” for simplicity. But right, in consensus it doesn’t get burned. Because paratimes aren’t permitted to mint rose in the consensus layer. It only holds on to it, and it transfers it out when people withdraw.
The Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) is a cross-chain EVM-compatible privacy solution,that allows Solidity developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) with privacy and confidentiality features, or even more, they can add its privacy features to existing dApps. OPL is not a new paratime or a new chain, but it is actually a layer 2 solution, powered by Sapphire. In order to build and deploy, all that developers need is Solidity and knowledge of hardhat, but they can also use Vyper, OPL being compatible with Metamask. OPL also offers RNG and end-to-end encryption, its main focus being on the fact that there isn’t any change to the user experience. In regards to gas, it’s done by a gas-relayer. So the users have the ability of using any coin/token, and the gas-relayer pays in the native token that runs the privacy layer, so no need for anyone to do any swapping. The main decision on the level of privacy that the contract will have, is entirely up to the user.
A ZK bridge or other oracle could eliminate the “Push Vote Weight” step, because then Sapphire would just know how many VOTE tokens you have on BSC Testnet(the one used in the demo). There are bridges that use ZK proofs to authenticate messages to other chains, and multichain launched one. Professor Dawn Song’s research group also created one and OPL uses the bridge as an api, so it benefits from the stronger security properties of ZK immediately.
Demo mentioned: A privacy layer for Web3: Unlock the potential of Web3 with the Oasis Privacy Layer with Nick Hynes
Yes, and here we could mention some that we currently support, like BSC, Avalanche, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Ethereum and Moonbeam.
We can take an example of an existing DAO on an EVM network that wants to add privacy features, for example a secret ballot option for proposals. Well in order to do that, you’ll need to deploy the smart contracts for said ballot on Sapphire. Then the DAO contract can begin voting by sending messages to the secret ballot contract via a message-passing bridge. The members of the DAO submit their votes confidentially as encrypted messages, and when the voting ends, the result is sent back to the DAO.
Yes, you can check that over here https://faucet.testnet.oasis.dev/
Sapphire provides confidentiality with EVM semantics so that smart contracts on Sapphire run on-chain using a set of decentralized TEE enabled compute nodes. The advantage is near native performance for smart contracts in addition to confidentiality. Sensitive information can be stored on-chain with encryption supported by a decentralized key manager with the blockchain as the sole root of trust in addition to TEE hardware providers.
ZK techniques are for privacy and scalability where data is processed off-chain and constraints over the processing and the data itself evaluated off-chain with the outcomes of these evaluations available on-chain for verification with proofs of correctness. It is a different scaling technique that also enables selective disclosure of sensitive information for privacy.
DECO is a privacy-preserving oracle technology which uses zero knowledge proofs and allows data transmitted over the Internet to be confidentially attested to by oracles without the data being revealed to the public or to the oracle nodes themselves.
Sapphire is a confidential Smart Contract platform which enables smart contract execution the same as other networks, but with the added ability for those smart contracts to also be built in ways which can hide aspects of state.
There may be some overlap in the capabilities of these two technologies, but they are much more synergistic than competitive. DECO focuses on bridging off-chain data on-chain in a privacy preserving manner, while Sapphire’s use case is to enable on-chain smart contract execution which incorporates confidentiality. Just as DECO by itself is unable to come to consensus and execute a confidential smart contract, Sapphire by itself is also unable to use off-chain data without an Oracle. Privacy is becoming a major theme in crypto recently and we are excited to see so many protocols being developed which share the Oasis vision of a responsible data economy.
Translation browser extensions alter the web wallet structure in a way that our UI framework can’t handle. It will be fixed in the next update.
Parcel does not talk to the blockchain and hence does not have any audit logs stored in the ledger.
Parcel supports this feature and this was used for our data backed NFT efforts.
Not ‘just like metamask,’ but use u/oasisprotocol/client-ext-utils. see https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-sdk/blob/main/client-sdk/ts-web/ext-utils/sample-page/src/index.js for examples. use ‘chrome-extension://ppdadbejkmjnefldpcdjhnkpbjkikoip’ for the origin of the oasis extension wallet
Ed25519 at the consensus layer. secp256k1 for emerald/sapphire.
Creating a new block on Emerald takes somehwere between 6 and 8 seconds, depending on how congested the network is. You can see more information about blocks here :
Yes, but it’ll still take time. so do make sure that you’re measuring latency from a specific transaction broadcast time.
The differences are in smart contract language, and they use the same ParaTime features to handle encrypted transactions and sealed state. Cipher has easier support for declaring a public state though, so watch out for that. Focus on sapphire is consistent.
Oasis Odyssey is a loyalty program introduced by Oasis to reward and engage its global community of builders and creators in the Web3 space.
The integration with Covalent allows developers, users, and analysts in Web3 to surface network data from Oasis Sapphire through Covalent APIs. This provides granular runtime data for reliable insight into network activity, user trends, and ecosystem growth. Additionally, the integration decentralizes the Oasis Network data stack, ensuring redundancy and validator incentives.
Chainstack offers simplified node management for Oasis builders by providing fully-synced dedicated Oasis Sapphire nodes with fast deployment. The platform’s feature-rich dashboard enables efficient Oasis node management, making it accessible to both Web3 novices and veterans. Chainstack also offers cost-effective solutions tailored to fit budget and technical needs.
The Gnosis Safe Fork integration adds an extra layer of security to the Oasis Network by deploying Oasis Safe on the Sapphire runtime. Gnosis Safe’s multi-signature functionality allows users to create wallets with multiple owners, increasing security against unauthorized access or potential hacking attempts. It incorporates various user security features and supports customization and integration within the DeFi ecosystem.
By leveraging Oasis technology, personal.ai allows users to provide consent for third-party use of their encrypted data on the Oasis blockchain. The Sapphire Key Manager generates encryption keys, and access to data is guarded through consent and on-chain registration. The integration also enables the minting of confidential NFTs backed by trained AI avatars on-chain, offering users transparency in third-party data and avatar usage.
Enshrine Computing, in partnership with Oasis, combines trusted execution environments (TEEs) with autonomous computing to create a robust platform for privacy-focused AI applications. This enables privacy-preserved data processing, personalized learning environments, ethical advertising, and AI-driven decentralized finance (DeFi) within industries such as healthcare, finance, law, and education.
The integration of Celer IM with Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) allows for fast, secure, and low-cost cross-chain composability and bridging. It enables the transfer of data between different chains, offers a single-user experience for bridge and swap functions, and supports EVM compatibility for applications on various EVM networks.
The integration allows applications on EVM networks like Ethereum, Avalanche, BNB, Polygon, Arbitrum, and more to leverage the Sapphire network’s confidentiality features. This empowers developers to build EVM-based dApps with customizable confidential state and brings confidential compute to their applications, expanding possibilities in DeFi, NFTs, Decentralized Identity (DID), DAO governance, gaming, and enabling new web3 use cases.
Here are some examples:
- Secret Ballots: OPL ensures fair voting and unbiased DAO governance through secret ballots.
- Confidential Auctions: NFT creators can use OPL for confidential auctions, reducing congestion and ensuring fairness.
- Private Game Logic: OPL supports confidential gaming logic, enhancing user experiences while keeping everything on-chain.
OPL, together with Sapphire, redefines Web3 privacy standards. It offers a simple yet versatile solution for integrating robust privacy technology into various sectors of the crypto economy. OPL empowers developers to build on the best privacy technology, enhancing user safety and experiences across Web3.
You can read more about OPL on our blog here
Oasis Core 23.0 introduces key rotations for ephemeral and state keys. Ephemeral key derivation is modified to rotate the master key every epoch and discard old entropy after a few epochs. This makes past transaction keys irretrievable unless users keep additional data for future disclosures. State key rotation via generational keys is also supported, allowing ParaTimes to rotate state keys daily and use new keys for newer state.
Oasis Core 23.0 introduces enhancements that improve the user experience for node operators, focusing on security and query efficiency. State sync via the peer-to-peer network simplifies the process of initiating a new node. This feature enables immediate synchronization without manual RPC node configuration.
These include enhancements for the user experience of node operators, on-chain governance improvements that allow delegators to participate, support for voting on parameter changes, updates to key rotations for ephemeral and state keys, and upgrades to Oasis ParaTimes. Notably, there are improvements in query latency, future upgrade performance, and overall performance enhancements.
Oraichain aims to integrate the Oasis Privacy Layer into the Cosmos ecosystem to enhance privacy for its users. OPL is part of this initiative and is expected to provide a range of privacy tools and frameworks for the Cosmos community. Oraichain’s plans include publishing developer documentation specifically for Cosmos, exploring secret ballots for CW20 tokens, developing confidential gaming tools, private market makers, and more. They also plan to upgrade their native OraiBridge to support message passing, facilitating integration with OPL. This marks the beginning of a series of projects to enrich privacy in the Cosmos ecosystem.
Oasis Sapphire is presented as a key player in supporting the development of decentralized social media applications with enhanced security, stronger user privacy, and a familiar user experience reminiscent of Web2. It is suggested that Oasis Privacy Layer can be integrated into SocialFi applications developed on other blockchains to leverage Oasis privacy solutions. These solutions include privacy-centric developer features and interoperability across multiple blockchain networks. Oasis is recognized for addressing the real and pressing privacy issues in Web3 social media and empowering users to control their data and sensitive information.
Oasis Sapphire offers a simpler architecture for account abstraction compared to ERC 4337. It doesn’t require third-party services like bundlers and relayers, offering the same benefits while keeping the ecosystem uncomplicated. Sapphire smart contracts can perform functions like generating private keys, encrypting data, and signing transactions. This provides the same functionality as ERC 4337, along with the advantages of hardware security modules or browser plugins, without needing additional complex protocols or client-side downloads.
18 just like ETH on the EVM paratimes
Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) offers a mechanism where the encryption key for an IPFS-stored file can be securely stored on the Sapphire chain. Other chains can use OPL to authorize access to this encryption key, ensuring that only authorized users can retrieve the key. Once authorized, the user can obtain the encryption key, retrieve the file from IPFS (or access the hidden URL containing both the URL and encryption key), and then decrypt the file. This process ensures data privacy and controlled access, making it suitable for various confidential data use cases.
The variance in addresses stems from the distinct key derivation paths employed. While the derivation path has been standardized in accordance with the ADR-8 specification, Ledger had implemented its own path prior to this standardization. To maintain compatibility with existing keys and ensure a seamless transition, the “legacy” path on Ledger is retained. It’s essential to note that all other Oasis wallets adhere to the standard derivation path outlined in ADR-8, contributing to a unified and standardized user experience across different platforms.
Currently, it’s not documented, but there are examples in tests. Check the oasis-sdk GitHub repository https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-sdk for test cases like this one https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-sdk/blob/9f7b93c097e971bde550fa8d1638a348724fa8a4/tests/contracts/hello/src/lib.rs#L285-L300
Try increasing or hardcoding the gas limit, as issues with gas estimation might occur with confidential transactions. The oasis-sdk GitHub repository https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-sdk might have relevant information.
As of now, there might not be direct support for querying methods in the CLI. Refer to the Cipher docs https://docs.oasis.io/ for the latest information.
Follow these steps to convert an Ethereum wallet address to its Oasis version programmatically:
Obtain Ethereum Public Key:
Use Ethereum tooling to obtain the public key corresponding to the Ethereum wallet address.
Convert Ethereum Public Key to Oasis Address (Go Example):
Utilize the provided Go code from the Oasis SDK repository to convert the Ethereum public key to an Oasis address.
Example is in Go!
import ("github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-sdk/client-sdk/go/helpers")
func ethereumToOasisAddress(ethPublicKey []byte) string {oasisAddress := helpers.Bech32Encode("oasis", helpers.HexEncode(ethPublicKey))return oasisAddress}
Implementation in Other Languages:
While the example is in Go, you can adapt the logic to other programming languages, ensuring proper Bech32 encoding and decoding specific to the Oasis Network.
Note: Ensure that you use trusted Ethereum tooling to obtain public keys and follow security best practices. If you have security-related concerns, discuss them with the Oasis Network developers in the dev-central channel on our Discord.
A: There are a couple things that could be wrong. Make sure that all network services are operational and nothing is down due to upgrades. Make sure there are no extra spaces when you are inputting your address. Lastly make sure you are sending from an oasis1 address to and oasis1 address.
The standard debonding time is approximately 14/+1 days. If more than 15 days passed you can redirect them to open a ticket on our Helpdesk by heading over to the #support channel on Discord.
Ledger Fir
To solve this, you need to Open the Oasis App in your Ledger before you click the transaction on your desktop.
Wallet Information and setup:
mware and ledger live are up to date.
The unlock schedule does not include staking rewards, as they are not ‘unlocked’. They are distributed as specified by network protocol on-chain, and depend on how the total escrow of tokens staked on the network. Because of this, the circulating supply can and will deviate from the token unlock schedule. As you can see on the unlock schedule, it ends right below 8bn tokens. The tokens not accounted for in the unlock schedule are the tokens distributed through staking.
TLDR; Staking isn’t visualized in the release chart.
5.725 Billions as of 6th May 2023. You can always check that on https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/oasis-network/
You can’t transfer directly from CEX to Emerald/Sapphire. First you need to send to the web wallet as web and extension wallets are native so they can withdraw and deposit to CEX. From there you can send funds to your Metamask wallet to use on emerald. Or you can bridge directly into Metamask from other networks, but as we saw earlier, not all pairs are supported. You can follow the steps from this tutorial: https://docs.oasis.io/general/manage-tokens/how-to-transfer-rose-into-paratime/
Escrow shares is a reference to your part of a given validator’s total stake. A share is often confused with a token, but you commonly have less shares than you have tokens. So for instance if you have 1000 shares of a validators escrow, those shares can be redeemed for tokens, but it’s not a 1:1 relationship.
In other words, an escrow share represents a share of the validators stake. If you look at oasisscan.com on your wallet you can see that those escrow shares represent the tokens you staked. You will not lose tokens on debonding.
So if you reclaim those 9230 shares, what you’re really doing is you’re going to the validator saying ‘here, these are my shares, I would like my tokens please” and after debonding you will receive your ~10k tokens plus any validation rewards.
Using number of validators to measure a networks decentralization is a good place to start, however there is still far more than just the # which should be considered. I will give you an example. If Oasis were to increase the validator count from 120 to 200 validators, but Binance set up 80 new validators and delegated their current stake to all those validators with no one else delegating they would still be in the top 200 for all of the validators. The effect would be that the network has increased the number of validators by 66.6% but not gained any decentralization at all since there is still the same amount staked in the network and no new entities joined the validation pool. At the same time though we would have increased the number of redundancies that must be performed in each block which would hurt the ability of the network to scale. The end result would be the same decentralization and a less efficient network. Now obviously this is a contrived example, but I think it is a fair one which demonstrates that simply measuring the number of validators to evaluate decentralization is not enough. In ETH 1.0 for example there were countless validators, but a cartel of mining pools ran the majority of those validators. Just because they were running many validators did not necessarily mean they were increasing decentralization at all. There are decreasing marginal returns for increasing the validator pool size. After the last increase from 110 to 120 the newly established 10 validators accounted for less than 1% of the total stake in the network meaning they contributed very little decentralization. They have increased a good amount since then so perhaps it is worth submitting another governance proposal to increase from 120 to 130, but if we for example went to a committee size of 200 it is likely that the bottom half of those validators would have little to no effect on decentralization, but would definitely be wasteful and make the network less efficient.
No, not even by voting.
Staking isn’t taken into account in the release chart, as they are not ‘unlocked’. They are distributed as specified by network protocol on-chain, and depend on the total escrow of tokens staked on the network. Because of this, the circulating supply can and will deviate from the token unlock schedule. As you can see on the unlock schedule, it ends right below 8bn tokens. The tokens not accounted for in the unlock schedule are the tokens distributed through staking.
Nano rose (10^-9) on consensus, 10^-18 on emerald and sapphire. be aware that various transactions have separate minimums.
No, Oasis doesn’t have a burning mechanism implemented. We have a finite supply of tokens and the tokens are returned to the on-chain common stake pool. But yes, the tokens can be burnt manually.
Stuck Transaction
1. Open your MetaMask plugin.
2. Click on the colorful circle icon on the top-right and click Settings from the dropdown menu.
3. In the Settings menu, select Advanced.
4. Scroll down until you see Advanced gas controls. Toggle this to ON.
5. Still in Advanced settings, keep scrolling until you see Customize transaction nonce. Toggle this to ON. Find the transaction that’s stuck, and make a note of the “nonce”.
6. Go back to the top page of MetaMask. In the “Assets” tab, find the token type of your stuck transaction
7. In the token’s menu, find your Pending transaction in the Queue area. Click on your transaction for more details.
8. Look for the Nonce entry, and take note of this number.
9. Create a new transaction to replace your stuck transaction. This time around, increase the Transaction Fee. Make sure the new transaction has a higher gas price than the stuck transaction. This will make it more likely for your transaction to be added to a block.
10. On the confirmation page, make sure your Gas Price is now at your new, higher amount.
11. Find the CUSTOM NONCE entry and change the nonce to the number you wrote down in step 8. Now click Confirm.
12. Your new transaction should now be accepted into a block. To check, open MetaMask and click the Activity tab.
13. Your completed transaction should show at the top of your Activity list. If it still says “Pending” in orange you’ll need to wait a little longer, or try the process again with an even higher transaction fee (gas price).Since no wallet can create two transactions of the same nonce, if the replacement transaction you make is successful, your stuck transaction will be canceled.
For Consensus use https://lukaw3d.github.io/oasis-csv-report/
For Emerald Alternative fix: replace https://github.com/oasisprotocol/emerald-blockscout/blob/oasis-v4.1.2-beta/apps/block_scout_web/assets/js/lib/datepicker.js#L29-L63
with $button.on(‘click’, () => { location.href = $button.data(‘link’) })
No, Oasis doesn’t have a burning mechanism. We have a finite supply of tokens and the tokens are returned to the on-chain common stake pool.
You can’t transfer directly from CEX to Emerald/Sapphire. First you need to send to the web wallet as web and extension wallets are native so they can withdraw and deposit to CEX. From there you can send funds to your Metamask wallet to use on emerald. Or you can bridge directly into Metamask from other networks, but as we saw earlier, not all pairs are supported. You can follow the steps from this tutorial: https://docs.oasis.io/general/manage-tokens/how-to-transfer-rose-into-paratime/
If you just make a Send transaction to BinanceStaking address oasis1qqekv2ymgzmd8j2s2u7g0hhc7e77e654kvwqtjwm
then your ROSE coins are not staked. They are now owned by BinanceStaking, which means they are not lost but only owned and managed by them. In this case, you should contact Binance via their Support Center or Submit a request.
Sending ROSE is different than staking it! With the staking transaction you lend your ROSE to the chosen validator and you are rewarded for that. Sending your ROSE to the receiving address you enter means that only the person who owns the private key (e.g. mnemonics) of that receiving address can manage these tokens and no one else. To learn more, read the Staking and Delegating chapter.
Withdrawals from Emerald are slightly different from regular staking.Transfer
transactions used to send ROSE on the consensus layer. If you withdrew your ROSE directly to an exchange and you were not funded there, contact the exchange support and provide them the link to your account on the Oasis Scan where they can verify all transactions. To learn more about this issue, read the How to Transfer ROSE to ParaTime section.
No, but you can use the Emerald Paratime. Please see the documentation:
No, you can only send wrapped ETH.
https://multichain.xyz/ – Multichain
https://cbridge.celer.network/#/transfer – CBridge
https://www.portalbridge.com/ – Wormhole
To the validators.
You should send from Oasis wallet using ParaTimes. Token transfers between Emerald and Cipher ParaTimes is not yet available.
You should send from Oasis wallet using ParaTimes. Token transfers between Emerald and Cipher Paratimes is not yet available
There is, it is the faucet for the testnet and you can request to get them there, but they don’t transfer into Rose tokens later, they are just test tokens.
If you want to send your ROSE from one account to another, it is mandatory to undelegate. Tokens delegated are locked with the signature of one public key. You cannot transfer this signature while Coins are locked. Remember the unbounding period is 14 days. The validator takes its commission from your rewards when they are distributed. This happens every epoch (approx. 1 hour)
The total amount you see in your wallet includes auto-compounded rewards. At that time, the Validator already got their commission.
The common pool has the tokens set aside for rewards that are distributed with on-chain logic, which is the staking rewards. to distribute the staking rewards, the network moves tokens from the common pool to validators’ active escrow pools. the network records an AddEscrow event when this happens. moving tokens into these pools without creating new shares (note that the new shares field is zero) increases the value of existing delegators’ shares.
Emerald explorer doesn’t show consensus transactions. The Emerald explorer would probably leave out fees paid in non-ethereum-format transactions.
The node has a grpc API that you can use to watch for new consensus blocks and get their transactions.
Some consequences of the design: deposited rose remains in the total supply of the consensus layer. It’s held under an account that belongs to the paratime. Within the paratime, a new “native denomination” is minted. That native denomination is still labeled “rose” for simplicity. But right, in consensus it doesn’t get burned. Because paratimes aren’t permitted to mint rose in the consensus layer. It only holds on to it, and it transfers it out when people withdraw.
You can’t transfer directly from CEX to Emerald. First you need to send to the wallet extension, as extension wallet is native so you can withdraw and deposit to CEX. From there you can send funds to your metamask wallet to use on Emerald. Or you can bridge directly into metamask from other networks, but as we saw earlier, not all pairs are supported. Here is also a step by step tutorial that you can use https://docs.oasis.io/general/manage-tokens/how-to-transfer-rose-into-paratime/
Creating a new block on Emerald takes somehwere between 6 and 8 seconds, depending on how congested the network is. You can see more information about blocks here :
We are not keeping track of this, since anyone can actually integrate Parcel. This website doesn’t show much, but maybe it helps you with what are you looking for: https://sourceforge.net/software/product/Oasis-Parcel/integrations/
Rose isn’t a privacy coin. Everything is visible on the blockchain, on Consensus, and on paratimes it is also visible, on Emerald for example. With Sapphire and Cipher, there are confidential smart contracts, Developers can develop confidential smart contracts thanks to the hardware of the trusted execution environments. These smart contracts allow to hide aspects of state, which can be specific details, like lets say, fees on a DEX to avoid minor extractable value attacks, or makes possible to have confidential NFTs, or makes possible to have secret ballots voting on DAOs
You can find all our different social media, including regional telegram channels here https://linktr.ee/oasiscommunitylinks
We could think of it as a Layer 2 with the ability to have different engines, all of them interacting with The Consensus Layer. Each Paratime could use the Virtual Machines that suit better to their needs. Today, we have 3 Paratimes, each different from the others.
Emerald Paratime uses an Ethereum Virtual Machine, so creating dApps there is the same as doing it in the Ethereum Network.
Cipher Paratime uses a WASM and confidential Smart Contracts. It uses a system similar to an Airplane’s Black Box, using Trusted Execution Environments to isolate the Smart Contracts and the encrypted data.
Sapphire Paratime is an EVM compatible as Emerald but incorporates Confidential Smart Contracts.
It is not the same but somehow similar. Layer 2s are built on top of a Layer 1 to improve speed, transaction cost and other inherent problems in that Layer 1. While Paratimes are conceived since genesis as part of our system architecture allowing Consensus Layer to keep uncongested.
There are a number of ways in which Sapphire can help scale NFTs. It can allow for novel minting/auction methods of NFTs which leverage confidentiality. This could be something like an auction where you can not see the bids of other buyers . Also it enables confidential ownership of NFTs. For example you may have a known wallet and own an NFT which represents a ticket to an event which maybe you do not want others to know about. Finally it allows for further use cases and possibilities of confidential NFTs where only the NFT owner can access some private data
Sapphire is a groundbreaking developer environment as it is the first and only confidential Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible ParaTime. This runtime has the ability to help scale blockchain rapidly towards Web3 and allow EVM developers to quickly lay the foundations for privacy-enabled blockchain dApps, which are becoming a necessity as users demand data sovereignty.
Sapphire offers Solidity developers a familiar, Ethereum-compatible building environment, but with the added benefits of Oasis’ privacy technology which is key to allowing blockchain to be part of the Web3 world.
Privacy of personal and sensitive information, confidentiality, and individual data control, as well as data sovereignty, are core facets of Web3, but public blockchains, like Ethereum, cannot provide even basic levels of privacy. For example, If you want to use a decentralized ID on Ethereum and interact with a DApp that needs to verify what country you live in, this is possible, and makes sense as a use case in some regards. However, you also have to accept that all your other personal information would be available publicly on the chain, if you want to maintain on-chain integrity, because of that smart contract execution. Other sensitive and personal data would have to be public if blockchain was used in other sectors, such as healthcare. If a healthcare DApp was built on a public chain, all your personally-identifiable data would have to be public if the data wasn’t stored off-chain, not to mention information usually reserved only for your doctor; totally destroying client confidentiality.
With Sapphire, confidential smart contracts can be built to keep sensitive health data, financial information, or any identifiable information private, enabling a new set of use cases perfectly suited to Web3.
Sapphire is the first confidential EVM-compatible Network. This means that it is the only network where developers can build Smart Contracts in Solidity which can hide aspects of state. This added flexibility for developers will lead to numerous performance benefits and improvements in the user experience when interacting with these DApps. Use cases can be seen in a variety of sectors like DeFi, Gaming, NFTs, Decentralized Identity, and Social applications. Just as web2 was empowered by privacy protocols like HTTPS, we believe web3 will be propelled forward from these new functionalities.
Paratimes are basically parallel runtimes, so a ParaTime Layer can hosts many paratimes, each representing a replicated compute environment with shared state. You can learn more about that over here https://youtu.be/rk–BXRL6YY
Oasis Network is a Layer-1 Blockchain that is designed with a system architecture that is divided into two distinct layers: the Consensus Layer and the Paratimes Layer. The Paratimes Layer is capable of hosting up to 1,000 different independent Paratimes. As of now, we have three Paratimes live on our Mainnet: Emerald, which is EVM-compatible, Cipher, and Sapphire, which was our EVM Confidential Paratime.
https://oasisrose.garden/ecosystem/ here you will find an official list. Here you can see a good summary of the community ecosystem https://oasiswatcher.com/dapps-list/ it is made by an ambassador but Oasis isn’t affiliated to Oasis Watcher so DYOR.
Oasis Labs was founded back in 2018, by Dawn Song, professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and one of the world’s foremost experts in computer security and trustworthy artificial intelligence. https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/the-genesis-of-the-oasis-foundation-b3d701de9688
Oasis Protocol Foundation is a decentralized, non-profit group of individuals focused on supporting the Oasis Network as a whole. Oasis Labs is a private technology firm whose core product is Parcel – a privacy driven SDK built on top of the Oasis Network.
Oasis Labs works closely with projects and teams to help accelerate growth on the Oasis Network. We work closely together to support the development and features of the technology that will improve the network as a whole, and its individual projects within the ecosystem. Additionally, Oasis Labs has the responsibility to research and develop new privacy technology and is working with more enterprise aligned partners to help deploy these within their stack. Here you could check even more details: https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project/the-genesis-of-the-oasis-foundation-b3d701de9688
It’s open-source. You can view the code base on github if you wish. https://github.com/oasisprotocol . It has been audited, but there are to my knowledge at least, no public reports. You can find it here: https://github.com/trailofbits/publications#blockchain-reviews
There’s also an open website for bounties that tracks the history of the Oasis Network in relation to bugs being found and addressed: https://hackerone.com/oasis_protocol_foundation?view_policy=true
The Oasis Network is a decentralized proof of stake network. At the consensus layer there are 120 active external node operators spread across many different countries.
The ParaTime layer is very flexible and allows each paratime to choose its own parameters. Confidential paratimes that utilize TEEs can choose to restrict the operators that can run the ParaTime to mitigate risks due to TEE vulnerabilities. It can also be dynamic–ParaTimes can choose to relax or tighten restrictions over time based on the current state of threats affecting a particular TEE platform.
Currently it is Emerald, but our main focus is on Sapphire for the future.
Oasis is a decentralized proof of stake network, having 120 validators, who are responsible for proposing and validating new blocks.
The Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) is a cross-chain EVM-compatible privacy solution,that allows Solidity developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) with privacy and confidentiality features, or even more, they can add its privacy features to existing dApps. OPL is not a new paratime or a new chain, but it is actually a layer 2 solution, powered by Sapphire. In order to build and deploy, all that developers need is Solidity and knowledge of hardhat, but they can also use Vyper, OPL being compatible with Metamask. OPL also offers RNG and end-to-end encryption, its main focus being on the fact that there isn’t any change to the user experience. In regards to gas, it’s done by a gas-relayer. So the users have the ability of using any coin/token, and the gas-relayer pays in the native token that runs the privacy layer, so no need for anyone to do any swapping. The main decision on the level of privacy that the contract will have, is entirely up to the user.
The Oasis Privacy Layer a.k.a OPL has a wide applicability, given the fact that not only new dApps can benefit from it, but it can also be added to existing ones, boosting and improving the privacy, along with the user experience. In terms of use cases, we could mention the following:
- DeFi applications that will enable secure transactions.
- Healthcare Data, offering patients the opportunity of sharing their sensitive health information, without compromising their privacy, or security. This use case will better be highlighted when it comes to medical research.
- Supply Chain Management, that requires an accurate and secure tracking of the assets.
- DAO Voting systems, as having a strong identity system, with fraud prevention is critical for fairer governance, preventing users from creating multiple identities and influencing the voting results, based on personal preferences, or for example based on a popular opinion. Here comes another real life use case, as having both anonymity and transparency could also influence the results of the voting, the outcome being a biased one. The main purpose is to have the votes being submitted in secret, and to only have the results being revealed.
- Identity Management, where we can also mention the partnership with Equifax, meant to bring KYC solution
Don’t miss out on the crypto partnership that will CHANGE FINANCE FOREVER!
Oasis Labs Partners with Equifax to Build the First KYC Solution for web3
We can take an example of an existing DAO on an EVM network that wants to add privacy features, for example a secret ballot option for proposals. Well in order to do that, you’ll need to deploy the smart contracts for said ballot on Sapphire. Then the DAO contract can begin voting by sending messages to the secret ballot contract via a message-passing bridge. The members of the DAO submit their votes confidentially as encrypted messages, and when the voting ends, the result is sent back to the DAO.
The Sapphire ParaTime is our official confidential EVM Compatible ParaTime providing a smart contract development environment with EVM compatibility.
The key features of Sapphire:
- Confidential state, end-to-end encryption
- EVM Compatibility
- Easy integration with EVM-based dApps (Defi, NFT, gaming)
- Scalability, increased throughput of transactions
- 99% lower fees than Ethereum
All of this is possible, as developers can develop confidential smart contracts thanks to the hardware of the Trusted Execution Environments. Confidential paratimes that utilize TEEs can choose to restrict the operators that can run the ParaTime to mitigate risks due to these vulnerabilities.
Interoperability in blockchain refers to the ability of different blockchain systems or networks to communicate and work together seamlessly. This means that data, assets, and applications can be shared between different blockchain networks without the need for intermediaries or centralized platforms. And Oasis achieves this by Sapphire’s EVM interoperability.
Yes, you can check that over here https://faucet.testnet.oasis.dev/
Some of the quests and challenges in Oasis Odyssey include writing articles, creating Twitter threads, designing stickers and memes, promoting events, supporting the community on third-party platforms, participating in trivia contests, creating videos, and contributing to developer documentation and tutorials.
Community members earn Experience Points (XP) by completing quests and challenges. Accumulating XP allows them to climb the leaderboard and unlock perks and benefits.
Climbing the leaderboard in Oasis Odyssey unlocks exclusive loyalty badges that come with benefits such as voting power, NFT access, early-bird opportunities, and exclusive community access.
To participate in Oasis Odyssey, one needs to join the Oasis Network Discord community and explore the Oasis Loyalty Quests in the dedicated Zealy space. Each quest has specific requirements and instructions that need to be followed to earn XP.
Participants can track their progress in Oasis Odyssey through the leaderboard, which reflects their XP and ranking. The leaderboard is reset at the end of each month, providing a fresh opportunity to aim for top spots.
At the end of each month, the top 20 users on the leaderboard are recognized and rewarded with loyalty badges based on their activity and dedication within specific areas of the Oasis Network community.
You can access official Oasis logos and Design Tools by visiting over here
For more details, you can always reach out to our Mods/Admins on Discord and Telegram.
OPL offers technical advantages:
- Transaction Signatures: Contracts on Sapphire, via OPL, sign their transactions, serving as an alternative to Ethereum’s Gas Station Network.
- Compatible Confidentiality: OPL enables Ethereum-compatible addresses and signatures with end-to-end encryption.
- Portable Privacy: OPL provides cross-chain privacy, allowing dApps to access Sapphire’s privacy features.
- Precompiled Contracts: OPL grants access to Sapphire contracts with private storage, reducing resources and inefficiencies.
Here are some examples:
- Secret Ballots: OPL ensures fair voting and unbiased DAO governance through secret ballots.
- Confidential Auctions: NFT creators can use OPL for confidential auctions, reducing congestion and ensuring fairness.
- Private Game Logic: OPL supports confidential gaming logic, enhancing user experiences while keeping everything on-chain.
OPL, together with Sapphire, redefines Web3 privacy standards. It offers a simple yet versatile solution for integrating robust privacy technology into various sectors of the crypto economy. OPL empowers developers to build on the best privacy technology, enhancing user safety and experiences across Web3.
You can read more about OPL on our blog here
SyROSE introduces a new level of seamless access to the broader Web3 ecosystem for the global Oasis community. It opens up opportunities for lending, swapping, staking, and other applications throughout the crypto space using synthetic Oasis assets. This is a significant achievement for Oasis users and builders, as it improves the flexibility and usability of the native ROSE token. Additionally, the collaboration between SYNTHR and Oasis is expected to continue, further enhancing the omnichain capabilities of the Oasis ecosystem’s native token and rooted in Oasis-native tooling like illumineX.
SyROSE offers several features and benefits for Oasis users, including:
- Ease of Transportation: Oasis users can easily transport their tokens to other ecosystems outside of Oasis using syROSE.
- Immediate Swaps: Swaps between ROSE and syROSE can be executed with zero slippage and immediate execution, thanks to SYNTHR.
- Multi-Chain Yield: Users can earn multi-chain yield by adding liquidity to syROSE-ROSE pairs on illumineX, which is the first DEX built on Oasis Sapphire.
- Access to a Native DEX: Users can swap other synthetic pairs (syASSET) on the slippage-free SYNTHR native DEX.
- Synthetic Asset Creation: Users can mint highly solvent synthetic assets by staking collateral assets like ETH, USDC, and USDT.
- Price Exposure: Users can take price exposure to non-Oasis-native assets like UNI, CVX, CRV, and more.
Synthetic assets like syROSE enhance the usability of native tokens within ecosystems. They allow token holders to access various decentralized applications (dApps) across multiple ecosystems with ease. This means that users can use their native tokens in different environments without being limited by fragmented liquidity. This enhances the overall utility and functionality of these assets.
SyROSE is a synthetic iteration of ROSE, the native token of the Oasis ecosystem. It’s designed to serve as an omnichain asset, meaning it can be used across various ecosystems in the crypto space. This introduction of syROSE aims to improve the liquidity, usability, and accessibility of ROSE by making it interoperable with other ecosystems.
Oraichain is described as an Interblockchain Communication Protocol (IBC)-enabled Layer 1 protocol with a focus on AI-infused decentralized applications (dApps) and oracle services. Its core purpose is to enable secure and transparent AI integration through multidimensional Trustworthy Proofs™️. Oraichain is committed to expanding functionality and improving the Web3 user experience by ensuring the secure delivery of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) services.
Oasis Sapphire is presented as a key player in supporting the development of decentralized social media applications with enhanced security, stronger user privacy, and a familiar user experience reminiscent of Web2. It is suggested that Oasis Privacy Layer can be integrated into SocialFi applications developed on other blockchains to leverage Oasis privacy solutions. These solutions include privacy-centric developer features and interoperability across multiple blockchain networks. Oasis is recognized for addressing the real and pressing privacy issues in Web3 social media and empowering users to control their data and sensitive information.
Account Abstraction is a concept that simplifies the process of interacting with blockchain transactions and accounts, making it more user-friendly. It aims to replace complex actions like signing transactions with programmable entities, abstracting away technical complexities. This simplification is crucial to make Web3 more accessible, especially for users new to the technology, by providing a familiar and intuitive experience similar to Web2 applications like Venmo.
Sapphire is a completely separate chain from Emerald and there is no plan for existing dApps to be automatically “moved” from Emerald to Sapphire – it’s up to dApp developers to port them over. Some issues to consider: If accounts are already used contract create transactions would fail due to the wrong nonce, same goes for other transactions; Sapphire behaves differently in some cases (signed view calls) and the client apps also need to set the new web3 endpoint and the chain ID. This calls for trouble, if we wanted to do it automatically.
Securing personal data onchain is a core tenet of the Oasis Network mission. By integrating Oasis encryption and privacy technology into Crust Files, users benefit from advanced security features. Sapphire, the only production-ready confidential EVM in Web3, ensures customizable visibility into on-chain data storage for all network transactions. This means sensitive details are kept visible only to those who need access, providing a secure and private environment for decentralized data storage.
Crust Files, launched in January 2022, is a Web3-native storage application system designed for secure personal file storage. Users connected to Oasis Network can log into Crust Files using their Web3 wallet. With the integrated Sapphire runtime, they experience the simplicity and security of decentralized data storage at no cost. Additionally, Crust Files provides a secure key storage and management feature, leveraging end-to-end encryption and data secrecy provided by Oasis Network, ensuring robust and seamless data security.
Ocean Predictoor prioritizes data privacy by using Oasis Sapphire, the first and only confidential Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) in Web3. Oasis Sapphire’s programmable confidentiality features allow for end-to-end privacy. User-submitted data, computations, and computed results remain private unless specific conditions are met, ensuring the integrity of user information.
The collaboration between Oasis and Ocean is significant as Oasis provides the privacy infrastructure supporting Ocean Predictoor. Oasis Sapphire’s features safeguard the privacy of prediction data within Predictoor. This partnership demonstrates the power of Oasis technology in securing the secrecy of financial, weather, real estate, and other prediction formats in the Web3 space.
CoinSender’s integration with Oasis harnesses the privacy tools of the Oasis Sapphire runtime, providing a robust solution for tokenized asset distribution. This collaboration enhances privacy standards, safeguarding sensitive data such as wallet addresses and transaction sums, aligning with Oasis Network’s commitment to advancing privacy solutions in Web3.
Oasis Sapphire serves as the privacy layer for all CoinSender user activities, setting a new standard for data security in Web3 payments. This integration ensures confidential handling of sensitive financial data, aligning with Oasis Network’s vision of creating a secure and trusted environment for users engaging in decentralized applications.
Oasis Network sees CoinSender as a pioneer in shaping the future of Web3 payments. By actively collaborating and supporting Coinsender’s efforts, Oasis aims to deliver tailored solutions for managing assets throughout Web3. The integration of Sapphire’s on-chain confidentiality not only enhances data security but also sets a precedent for the broader Web3 ecosystem.
Oasis Sapphire is integral to illumineX’s functionality by providing a confidential runtime where tokens are wrapped into special ERC-20 tokens. This enhances the privacy and security features of illumineX, aligning with Oasis Network’s dedication to privacy-centric blockchain solutions.
A: Oasis built Nexus to meet the growing demands of Web3 users and builders seeking enhanced data privacy. Nexus acts as a comprehensive data-fetching backend, surpassing traditional indexing to become a vital conduit for on-chain data access. Nexus continually fetches, parses, and stores blockchain data, offering a JSON-based web API for seamless data access.
Oasis Nexus boasts key features like adherence to OpenAPI Specification 3.0, foundational routes for Web3 builders, and dynamic data sourcing from various entities. Sources include the Oasis node, metadata registry, Sourcify for code and EVM transactions, and IPFS for additional NFT details.
Oasis Nexus boasts key features like adherence to OpenAPI Specification 3.0, foundational routes for Web3 builders, and dynamic data sourcing from various entities. Sources include the Oasis node, metadata registry, Sourcify for code and EVM transactions, and IPFS for additional NFT details.
NFTb (soon PixelRealm) is a Binance Labs-backed multichain social gaming HUB with DeFi features. Launching on Oasis Sapphire, it utilizes Oasis’s programmable confidentiality tech stack, enhancing data safeguards and privacy for a secure trading platform.
Collaborating with Oasis Foundation, NFTb pioneers Web3 technology in the NFT market. With cutting-edge privacy solutions, NFTb sets a high standard for privacy in NFT marketplaces, benefiting Oasis and raising industry-wide privacy expectations.
Oasis supports NFTb in bringing Oasis’s privacy tools to the digital collectibles market. Oasis is committed to advancing privacy solutions and invites innovators to join the global community of Oasis BUIDLERs, positioning Oasis as the industry leader for Smart Privacy in the Web3 ecosystem. Visit Oasis’s grant page for more on the future of privacy.
Web3 infrastructure builders encounter challenges like front running and gas wars when bringing traditional auction tools into the digital space. Oasis Sapphire, with its confidential tools, uniquely addresses these challenges, providing a groundbreaking solution for Web3 auctions. The article explores the distinct advantages offered by Oasis compared to transparent blockchains like Ethereum.
Oasis Network’s native integration of confidentiality provides “smart privacy,” allowing transparency when needed and privacy when required. This approach transforms Web3 auctions, tackling challenges like bid confidentiality, front-running, and congestion issues faced by fully transparent networks.
Sealed bid auctions offer enhanced privacy, fair bidding, limited manipulation, and broader participation. Bids and bidder identities remain confidential until the auction concludes, ensuring fairness and preventing manipulation. Sealed bid auctions are well-suited for an efficient and privacy-centric Web3 economy.
Oasis Sapphire’s confidentiality features provide the foundation for advanced NFT auctions in the digital collectibles industry. Trustless, private, efficient, and innovative, NFT auctions on Sapphire set a new standard, surpassing the capabilities of transparent-by-default networks.