Next Steps
What to do next?: ECDH (Shared Secrets)
What to do next? Encryption and Decryption
The on chain all the errors or all the possibilities we can have if we have a confidential contract so one is definitely the shared secret I talked about previously so the end to end encryption doesn’t only mean that it happens transparently between your computer and your smart contract but you can also deliberately have a part of the key stored on your device and the other part of the key stored on chain and then when you combine the two you get the data so this onchain encryption Primitives are supported on inside the sapphire promiles and you can do you know for example DX we use already in number of number of examples they were really really strong
The emitted events are non- encrypted by default on sapphire you need to encrypt it by yourself so using this mechanism can be can be can be useful you can also have something like I know the your your local shop dealer gives you a part of the coupon and then you combine
that chunk of the coupon with the secret stored on chain and then you get the some bonus or some reward for this for example
What to do next? Signing & Verification
OK we also support the generation onchain so why is this important you can basically generate a whole transaction on chain and also sign it and then return the sign transaction which was generated on chain back to the user and then the user broadcasts it and and if you follow the crypto world the buzzword is the account abstraction mechanism in the ethereum world so the the the mechanism that allows the smart contracts to create to have some kind of a balance and then sign transactions on behalf of someone else and this is supported in sapphire out of the box because the confidential state is confidential right and you can store the private key on chain and you know just generate and time transaction on the way and what you get with this is the gasless txs.
What to do next?: On-Chain SSO
The gasless transactions you don’t need any third party. For example the openGSN is a known Bridge which is the gas you know. If you don’t have gas to pay for the fee you then submit your transaction to your GSN relayer and it pays the fee on your behalf and submits your transaction but here you don’t need this because you can ask from the from the contract directly to sign the transaction and the contract Trader can have some tokens there for the gas fee. You can submit that you signed the transaction yourself you send it to the smart contract using the vite which is free anyway the view call then generates the relayer transaction which pays for the fee it gives it back to you and then you submit it and broadcast it to the network comparing to the GSN layers where there can be censorship here you can just you know communicate directly with the blockchain and submit the transaction. You get rid of any bridges, any relayers in between and using the same Concepts you can also Bridge other networks. For example you could have a lite client for Bitcoin and you can connect to to the Bitcoin directly without using any you need an or if you want to have you know prices for Defi and so on but you don’t need any Relayers you can just you know run the lite client inside your browser and then if you have a transaction on bitcoin Network you generate a proof for that transaction and submit the the proof directly to the chain and then inside the chain it can verify and if your transaction is real and it can then for example mint some onchain tokens for the Bitcoin on sapphire or stuff like that
What to do next? Autonomous Contracts
You can store your credentials not your credentials some prove that it’s you on chain and then Services for example your mail provider or your GitHub provider can communicate with the contract on chain and you get using the view call without paying for any fee you get the receipt that you can use the service and then you hand over the receipt to your service and the service can check whether the receipt is really valid right and you can use onchain Services again this is just because we have the confidential contract storage you cannot do that in you know plain ethereum
Here you can already play with it integrates the web W and you can use it to to log in to any service I mean you can Implement a service which uses this for login okay next the gasless contracts I talked about this is also called the autonomous contracts yeah because the
contract can generate the transactions and you can then broadcast it but the this e EIP standard defines how the the transaction looks like and we also have the support for this in our safire pre-compiled library and you can use it to to generate transactions and sign it on chain so How this works this is the diagram I talked about so the sign transaction is return back to you and you can then broadcast it yourself without using layers and I’m just you know I’m not talking blindly this is actually already implemented and it works if you go to
There you can play with the demo voting, which the interface is pretty similar as it wants to connect to the test net
Here’s the poll and you can submit your vote on chain without using any tokens to pay the fee because the one who deployed the Paul contract me probably you know deposited some tokens some test tokens to pay for the fee for anyone who decides to vote so if I took so yeah do do you like the set for one Workshop yeah okay I fall asleep almost didn’t have coffee okay and I just sign sign the call I don’t pay for any any any tokens I I don’t pay for any fees myself maybe I can just you know look at the balance and the balance will not change and now the the the vote is submitted and it will be unwrapped on chain and then computed and the the number of votes will be counted and yeah so I submitted my vote and I did not pay for any fee okay so this is pretty awesome and this is not using any any GSN relayers it just communicates directly with your client and the chain.
The also source code is available if you want to check it out and see how it’s implemented
What to do next? Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL)
Hot Topic is this is private privacy layer so we offer a solution which connects to a number of other networks ethereum binance chain polygon and so on and the idea is if you already have a dep deployed on on on death chain you can also use parts of your dep for confidentiality and use Cipher sapphire in in this regard and you need somehow you know you need a bridge to
communicate between the target chain and your your home chain we use seller I am for this and in this case yeah you sapphire computes the confidential part and the other chain then takes over and produces the the result okay last but not least
What to do next? Oasis Playground at We collected a number of demos and examples and everything. If you’re interested in this website and if you also have a dApp you like and you made it on your own you can submit the pr and I will add it to this list.
What to do next? Run your node
This is one thing I would really encourage you to run a client node, sapphire client node for example so you you will not need any third parties for your dApps and finally check out our documentation it’s, I think it’s really nice you know treasury of recipes how to build on oasis how to involve and get involved into running nodes writing dApp thinking about the confidentiality writing secure applications and so on
What to do next?
Check out theOasis Documentation at