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Categories: Technical, Wallets

Not ‘just like metamask,’ but use u/oasisprotocol/client-ext-utils. see for examples. use ‘chrome-extension://ppdadbejkmjnefldpcdjhnkpbjkikoip’ for the origin of the oasis extension wallet


Category: Technical

This could be a problem with ledger. Ask if this is a ledger address first if yes -> Ask if they are signing with the correct ledger. If not refer to documentation on official zdocumentation on transactions.

Category: Technical

Yes Oasis do support multiple languages. Paratime need to execute Smart Contracts in those languages it’s possible to implement. This includes C++, Python, Java, etc. 

Category: Technical

The ParaTime layer is very flexible and allows each paratime to choose its own parameters. Confidential paratimes that utilize TEEs can choose to restrict the operators that can run the ParaTime to mitigate risks due to TEE vulnerabilities. It can also be dynamic–ParaTimes can choose to relax or tighten restrictions over time based on the current state of threats affecting a particular TEE platform. 

Category: Technical

The trade-off between decentralization and protecting privacy is not static. As TEE technology continues to improve, the balance of this trade-off will likely shift.

Category: Technical

A: DECO is a privacy-preserving oracle technology which uses zero knowledge proofs and allows data transmitted over the Internet to be confidentially attested to by oracles without the data being revealed to the public or to the oracle nodes themselves.

Sapphire is a confidential Smart Contract platform which enables smart contract execution the same as other networks, but with the added ability for those smart contracts to also be built in ways which can hide aspects of state.

There may be some overlap in the capabilities of these two technologies, but they are much more synergistic than competitive. DECO focuses on bridging off-chain data on-chain in a privacy preserving manner, while Sapphire’s use case is to enable on-chain smart contract execution which incorporates confidentiality. Just as DECO by itself is unable to come to consensus and execute a confidential smart contract, Sapphire by itself is also unable to use off-chain data without an Oracle. Privacy is becoming a major theme in crypto recently and we are excited to see so many protocols being developed which share the Oasis vision of a responsible data economy. 

Hopefully we will see projects built on the network soon which leverage something like DECO as well as Sapphire to build truly end-to-end decentralized and privacy preserving applications.

Category: Technical

In some cases, the underlying data of a confidential NFT may need to be made public temporarily for the purpose of marketing the NFT or the project associated with it. However, once the NFT is sold, the new owner can choose to keep the underlying data private. There are several reasons why someone might want to buy a confidential NFT even if the underlying data is made public temporarily. One reason is that the underlying data may have limited access or viewable only to certain people or parties, and not to the general public. Additionally, the value of the NFT may be tied to the uniqueness of the digital asset or the rarity of it and not necessarily to the data it holds. Another possible use case is to protect sensitive information or data like trade secrets, confidential business transactions, personal identification etc. where the owner of the NFT can be sure that it’s not accessible to unauthorized parties.

In and all while the underlying data of a confidential NFT may be made public temporarily for marketing or other purposes, the main value of the NFT is the ability for the owner to keep the data private once it’s purchased, adding an extra layer of security and privacy for the owner.

Category: Technical

Sapphire currently supports Hardhat and Truffle. Remix is not yet supported but, is definitely possible to add in the future. Sapphire is EVM compatible and thus supports Metamask by default.

Categories: General, Technical

Sapphire is the first confidential EVM-compatible Network. This means that it is the only network where developers can build Smart Contracts in Solidity which can hide aspects of state. This added flexibility for developers will lead to numerous performance benefits and improvements in the user experience when interacting with these DApps. Use cases can be seen in a variety of sectors like DeFi, Gaming, NFTs, Decentralized Identity, and Social applications. Just as web2 was empowered by privacy protocols like HTTPS, we believe web3 will be propelled forward from these new functionalities.

Category: Technical

This is an excellent question and one that the engineering team actually thought about

So they have created a privacy layer where you can use Sapphire like a layer two so you don’t have to migrate your entire codebase to Sapphire

So they have created a privacy layer where you can use Sapphire like a layer two so you don’t have to migrate your entire codebase to Sapphire
You can find out more by listening to this twitter spaces chat

Category: Technical

Yes you definitely can, here’s the documentation for Sapphire 

If you’re eager to build and use Sapphire, you can do it through the ParaTime client nodes, found here:

Category: Technical

Latest generation CPUs that support SGXv2 are already supported in oasis core 22.2.x, but the network needs a governance vote for this support to be enabled.

Category: Technical

It is solely dependent on the usage.

Category: Technical

Encryption is done on the client side, we are using the message passing bridge (Celer IM).

Category: Technical

As a built-in feature the answer would be no, but a messaging bridge can be used in order to achieve this.

Categories: Technical, Transactions

Some consequences of the design: deposited rose remains in the total supply of the consensus layer. It’s held under an account that belongs to the paratime. Within the paratime, a new “native denomination” is minted. That native denomination is still labeled “rose” for simplicity. But right, in consensus it doesn’t get burned. Because paratimes aren’t permitted to mint rose in the consensus layer. It only holds on to it, and it transfers it out when people withdraw.

Categories: General, Technical

The Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) is a cross-chain EVM-compatible privacy solution,that allows Solidity developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) with privacy and confidentiality features, or even more, they can add its privacy features to existing dApps. OPL is not a new paratime or a new chain, but it is actually a layer 2 solution, powered by Sapphire. In order to build and deploy, all that developers need is Solidity and knowledge of hardhat, but they can also use Vyper, OPL being compatible with Metamask. OPL also offers RNG and end-to-end encryption, its main focus being on the fact that there isn’t any change to the user experience. In regards to gas, it’s done by a gas-relayer. So the users have the ability of using any coin/token, and the gas-relayer pays in the native token that runs the privacy layer, so no need for anyone to do any swapping. The main decision on the level of privacy that the contract will have, is entirely up to the user.

Category: Technical

A ZK bridge or other oracle could eliminate the “Push Vote Weight” step, because then Sapphire would just know how many VOTE tokens you have on BSC Testnet(the one used in the demo). There are bridges that use ZK proofs to authenticate messages to other chains, and multichain launched one. Professor Dawn Song’s research group also created one and OPL uses the bridge as an api, so it benefits from the stronger security properties of ZK immediately.

Demo mentioned: A privacy layer for Web3: Unlock the potential of Web3 with the Oasis Privacy Layer with Nick Hynes

Category: Technical

Yes, and here we could mention some that we currently support, like BSC, Avalanche, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Ethereum and Moonbeam.

Categories: General, Technical

We can take an example of an existing DAO on an EVM network that wants to add privacy features, for example a secret ballot option for proposals. Well in order to do that, you’ll need to deploy the smart contracts for said ballot on Sapphire. Then the DAO contract can begin voting by sending messages to the secret ballot contract via a message-passing bridge. The members of the DAO submit their votes confidentially as encrypted messages, and when the voting ends, the result is sent back to the DAO.

Categories: General, Technical

That this is correct, users won’t have to pay with ROSE, but pays with whatever token that the dApp they’re interacting with requires, the gas relayer converts it without the user having to use the native ROSE token.

Categories: General, Technical

Yes, you can check that over here

Category: Technical

Sapphire provides confidentiality with EVM semantics so that smart contracts on Sapphire run on-chain using a set of decentralized TEE enabled compute nodes. The advantage is near native performance for smart contracts in addition to confidentiality. Sensitive information can be stored on-chain with encryption supported by a decentralized key manager with the blockchain as the sole root of trust in addition to TEE hardware providers.

ZK techniques are for privacy and scalability where data is processed off-chain and constraints over the processing and the data itself evaluated off-chain with the outcomes of these evaluations available on-chain for verification with proofs of correctness. It is a different scaling technique that also enables selective disclosure of sensitive information for privacy.

Category: Technical

DECO is a privacy-preserving oracle technology which uses zero knowledge proofs and allows data transmitted over the Internet to be confidentially attested to by oracles without the data being revealed to the public or to the oracle nodes themselves.

Sapphire is a confidential Smart Contract platform which enables smart contract execution the same as other networks, but with the added ability for those smart contracts to also be built in ways which can hide aspects of state.

There may be some overlap in the capabilities of these two technologies, but they are much more synergistic than competitive. DECO focuses on bridging off-chain data on-chain in a privacy preserving manner, while Sapphire’s use case is to enable on-chain smart contract execution which incorporates confidentiality. Just as DECO by itself is unable to come to consensus and execute a confidential smart contract, Sapphire by itself is also unable to use off-chain data without an Oracle. Privacy is becoming a major theme in crypto recently and we are excited to see so many protocols being developed which share the Oasis vision of a responsible data economy.

Categories: General, Technical

Yes, as the private key gives you access to one account, while the seed phrase grants access to the entire blockchain wallets that secure multiple blockchain accounts.

Category: Technical

Translation browser extensions alter the web wallet structure in a way that our UI framework can’t handle. It will be fixed in the next update.

Category: Technical

Parcel does not talk to the blockchain and hence does not have any audit logs stored in the ledger.

Category: Technical

Parcel supports this feature and this was used for our data backed NFT efforts.

Categories: Technical, Wallets

Not ‘just like metamask,’ but use u/oasisprotocol/client-ext-utils. see for examples. use ‘chrome-extension://ppdadbejkmjnefldpcdjhnkpbjkikoip’ for the origin of the oasis extension wallet

Category: Technical

Ed25519 at the consensus layer. secp256k1 for emerald/sapphire.

Categories: Technical, Transactions

Creating a new block on Emerald takes somehwere between 6 and 8 seconds, depending on how congested the network is. You can see more information about blocks here :

Category: Technical

Yes, but it’ll still take time. so do make sure that you’re measuring latency from a specific transaction broadcast time.

Category: Technical

The differences are in smart contract language, and they use the same ParaTime features to handle encrypted transactions and sealed state. Cipher has easier support for declaring a public state though, so watch out for that. Focus on sapphire is consistent.

Category: Technical

Oasis Odyssey is a loyalty program introduced by Oasis to reward and engage its global community of builders and creators in the Web3 space.

Category: Technical

The integration with Covalent allows developers, users, and analysts in Web3 to surface network data from Oasis Sapphire through Covalent APIs. This provides granular runtime data for reliable insight into network activity, user trends, and ecosystem growth. Additionally, the integration decentralizes the Oasis Network data stack, ensuring redundancy and validator incentives.

Category: Technical

Chainstack offers simplified node management for Oasis builders by providing fully-synced dedicated Oasis Sapphire nodes with fast deployment. The platform’s feature-rich dashboard enables efficient Oasis node management, making it accessible to both Web3 novices and veterans. Chainstack also offers cost-effective solutions tailored to fit budget and technical needs.

Category: Technical

The Gnosis Safe Fork integration adds an extra layer of security to the Oasis Network by deploying Oasis Safe on the Sapphire runtime. Gnosis Safe’s multi-signature functionality allows users to create wallets with multiple owners, increasing security against unauthorized access or potential hacking attempts. It incorporates various user security features and supports customization and integration within the DeFi ecosystem.

Category: Technical

By leveraging Oasis technology, allows users to provide consent for third-party use of their encrypted data on the Oasis blockchain. The Sapphire Key Manager generates encryption keys, and access to data is guarded through consent and on-chain registration. The integration also enables the minting of confidential NFTs backed by trained AI avatars on-chain, offering users transparency in third-party data and avatar usage.

Category: Technical

Enshrine Computing, in partnership with Oasis, combines trusted execution environments (TEEs) with autonomous computing to create a robust platform for privacy-focused AI applications. This enables privacy-preserved data processing, personalized learning environments, ethical advertising, and AI-driven decentralized finance (DeFi) within industries such as healthcare, finance, law, and education.

Category: Technical

The integration of Celer IM with Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) allows for fast, secure, and low-cost cross-chain composability and bridging. It enables the transfer of data between different chains, offers a single-user experience for bridge and swap functions, and supports EVM compatibility for applications on various EVM networks.

Category: Technical

The integration allows applications on EVM networks like Ethereum, Avalanche, BNB, Polygon, Arbitrum, and more to leverage the Sapphire network’s confidentiality features. This empowers developers to build EVM-based dApps with customizable confidential state and brings confidential compute to their applications, expanding possibilities in DeFi, NFTs, Decentralized Identity (DID), DAO governance, gaming, and enabling new web3 use cases.

Categories: General, Technical

Here are some examples:

  • Secret Ballots: OPL ensures fair voting and unbiased DAO governance through secret ballots.
  • Confidential Auctions: NFT creators can use OPL for confidential auctions, reducing congestion and ensuring fairness.
  • Private Game Logic: OPL supports confidential gaming logic, enhancing user experiences while keeping everything on-chain.
Categories: General, Technical

OPL, together with Sapphire, redefines Web3 privacy standards. It offers a simple yet versatile solution for integrating robust privacy technology into various sectors of the crypto economy. OPL empowers developers to build on the best privacy technology, enhancing user safety and experiences across Web3.

You can read more about OPL on our blog here

Category: Technical

Oasis Core 23.0 introduces key rotations for ephemeral and state keys. Ephemeral key derivation is modified to rotate the master key every epoch and discard old entropy after a few epochs. This makes past transaction keys irretrievable unless users keep additional data for future disclosures. State key rotation via generational keys is also supported, allowing ParaTimes to rotate state keys daily and use new keys for newer state.

Category: Technical

Oasis Core 23.0 introduces enhancements that improve the user experience for node operators, focusing on security and query efficiency. State sync via the peer-to-peer network simplifies the process of initiating a new node. This feature enables immediate synchronization without manual RPC node configuration.

Category: Technical

These include enhancements for the user experience of node operators, on-chain governance improvements that allow delegators to participate, support for voting on parameter changes, updates to key rotations for ephemeral and state keys, and upgrades to Oasis ParaTimes. Notably, there are improvements in query latency, future upgrade performance, and overall performance enhancements.

Category: Technical

Oraichain aims to integrate the Oasis Privacy Layer into the Cosmos ecosystem to enhance privacy for its users. OPL is part of this initiative and is expected to provide a range of privacy tools and frameworks for the Cosmos community. Oraichain’s plans include publishing developer documentation specifically for Cosmos, exploring secret ballots for CW20 tokens, developing confidential gaming tools, private market makers, and more. They also plan to upgrade their native OraiBridge to support message passing, facilitating integration with OPL. This marks the beginning of a series of projects to enrich privacy in the Cosmos ecosystem.

Categories: General, Technical

Oasis Sapphire is presented as a key player in supporting the development of decentralized social media applications with enhanced security, stronger user privacy, and a familiar user experience reminiscent of Web2. It is suggested that Oasis Privacy Layer can be integrated into SocialFi applications developed on other blockchains to leverage Oasis privacy solutions. These solutions include privacy-centric developer features and interoperability across multiple blockchain networks. Oasis is recognized for addressing the real and pressing privacy issues in Web3 social media and empowering users to control their data and sensitive information.

Category: Technical

Oasis Sapphire offers a simpler architecture for account abstraction compared to ERC 4337. It doesn’t require third-party services like bundlers and relayers, offering the same benefits while keeping the ecosystem uncomplicated. Sapphire smart contracts can perform functions like generating private keys, encrypting data, and signing transactions. This provides the same functionality as ERC 4337, along with the advantages of hardware security modules or browser plugins, without needing additional complex protocols or client-side downloads.

Category: Technical

18 just like ETH on the EVM paratimes

Category: Technical

Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) offers a mechanism where the encryption key for an IPFS-stored file can be securely stored on the Sapphire chain. Other chains can use OPL to authorize access to this encryption key, ensuring that only authorized users can retrieve the key. Once authorized, the user can obtain the encryption key, retrieve the file from IPFS (or access the hidden URL containing both the URL and encryption key), and then decrypt the file. This process ensures data privacy and controlled access, making it suitable for various confidential data use cases.

Category: Technical

The variance in addresses stems from the distinct key derivation paths employed. While the derivation path has been standardized in accordance with the ADR-8 specification, Ledger had implemented its own path prior to this standardization. To maintain compatibility with existing keys and ensure a seamless transition, the “legacy” path on Ledger is retained. It’s essential to note that all other Oasis wallets adhere to the standard derivation path outlined in ADR-8, contributing to a unified and standardized user experience across different platforms.

Category: Technical

Currently, it’s not documented, but there are examples in tests. Check the oasis-sdk GitHub repository for test cases like this one

Category: Technical

Try increasing or hardcoding the gas limit, as issues with gas estimation might occur with confidential transactions. The oasis-sdk GitHub repository might have relevant information.

Category: Technical

As of now, there might not be direct support for querying methods in the CLI. Refer to the Cipher docs for the latest information.

Category: Technical

Follow these steps to convert an Ethereum wallet address to its Oasis version programmatically:

Obtain Ethereum Public Key:

Use Ethereum tooling to obtain the public key corresponding to the Ethereum wallet address.

Convert Ethereum Public Key to Oasis Address (Go Example):

Utilize the provided Go code from the Oasis SDK repository to convert the Ethereum public key to an Oasis address.

Example is in Go!

import ("")

func ethereumToOasisAddress(ethPublicKey []byte) string {oasisAddress := helpers.Bech32Encode("oasis", helpers.HexEncode(ethPublicKey))return oasisAddress}

Implementation in Other Languages:

While the example is in Go, you can adapt the logic to other programming languages, ensuring proper Bech32 encoding and decoding specific to the Oasis Network.

Note: Ensure that you use trusted Ethereum tooling to obtain public keys and follow security best practices. If you have security-related concerns, discuss them with the Oasis Network developers in the dev-central channel on our Discord.


Categories: Technical, Transactions

Some consequences of the design: deposited rose remains in the total supply of the consensus layer. It’s held under an account that belongs to the paratime. Within the paratime, a new “native denomination” is minted. That native denomination is still labeled “rose” for simplicity. But right, in consensus it doesn’t get burned. Because paratimes aren’t permitted to mint rose in the consensus layer. It only holds on to it, and it transfers it out when people withdraw.

Categories: Technical, Transactions

Creating a new block on Emerald takes somehwere between 6 and 8 seconds, depending on how congested the network is. You can see more information about blocks here :


Categories: General, Technical

Sapphire is the first confidential EVM-compatible Network. This means that it is the only network where developers can build Smart Contracts in Solidity which can hide aspects of state. This added flexibility for developers will lead to numerous performance benefits and improvements in the user experience when interacting with these DApps. Use cases can be seen in a variety of sectors like DeFi, Gaming, NFTs, Decentralized Identity, and Social applications. Just as web2 was empowered by privacy protocols like HTTPS, we believe web3 will be propelled forward from these new functionalities.

Categories: General, Technical

The Oasis Privacy Layer (OPL) is a cross-chain EVM-compatible privacy solution,that allows Solidity developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) with privacy and confidentiality features, or even more, they can add its privacy features to existing dApps. OPL is not a new paratime or a new chain, but it is actually a layer 2 solution, powered by Sapphire. In order to build and deploy, all that developers need is Solidity and knowledge of hardhat, but they can also use Vyper, OPL being compatible with Metamask. OPL also offers RNG and end-to-end encryption, its main focus being on the fact that there isn’t any change to the user experience. In regards to gas, it’s done by a gas-relayer. So the users have the ability of using any coin/token, and the gas-relayer pays in the native token that runs the privacy layer, so no need for anyone to do any swapping. The main decision on the level of privacy that the contract will have, is entirely up to the user.

Categories: General, Technical

We can take an example of an existing DAO on an EVM network that wants to add privacy features, for example a secret ballot option for proposals. Well in order to do that, you’ll need to deploy the smart contracts for said ballot on Sapphire. Then the DAO contract can begin voting by sending messages to the secret ballot contract via a message-passing bridge. The members of the DAO submit their votes confidentially as encrypted messages, and when the voting ends, the result is sent back to the DAO.

Categories: General, Technical

That this is correct, users won’t have to pay with ROSE, but pays with whatever token that the dApp they’re interacting with requires, the gas relayer converts it without the user having to use the native ROSE token.

Categories: General, Technical

Yes, you can check that over here

Categories: General, Technical

Yes, as the private key gives you access to one account, while the seed phrase grants access to the entire blockchain wallets that secure multiple blockchain accounts.

Categories: General, Technical

Here are some examples:

  • Secret Ballots: OPL ensures fair voting and unbiased DAO governance through secret ballots.
  • Confidential Auctions: NFT creators can use OPL for confidential auctions, reducing congestion and ensuring fairness.
  • Private Game Logic: OPL supports confidential gaming logic, enhancing user experiences while keeping everything on-chain.
Categories: General, Technical

OPL, together with Sapphire, redefines Web3 privacy standards. It offers a simple yet versatile solution for integrating robust privacy technology into various sectors of the crypto economy. OPL empowers developers to build on the best privacy technology, enhancing user safety and experiences across Web3.

You can read more about OPL on our blog here

Categories: General, Technical

Oasis Sapphire is presented as a key player in supporting the development of decentralized social media applications with enhanced security, stronger user privacy, and a familiar user experience reminiscent of Web2. It is suggested that Oasis Privacy Layer can be integrated into SocialFi applications developed on other blockchains to leverage Oasis privacy solutions. These solutions include privacy-centric developer features and interoperability across multiple blockchain networks. Oasis is recognized for addressing the real and pressing privacy issues in Web3 social media and empowering users to control their data and sensitive information.