Ocean Predictoor provides on-chain “prediction feeds” on whether ETH, BTC, etc will rise in the next 5 min or 60 min. “Predictoors” submit predictions and stake on them; predictions are aggregated and sold to traders as alpha.
Ocean Predictoor is a stack and a dapp for prediction feeds. It has accountability for accuracy, via staking. It’s globally distributed and censorship-resistant, by being on-chain. We expect its accuracy to improve over time, due to its incentive structure. Its first use case is DeFi token prediction because users can close the data value-creation loop quickly to make tangible $.
Prediction feeds are crowd-sourced. “Predictoor” agents submit individual predictions and stake on them. They make money when they’re correct and lose money when not. This drives accurate prediction feeds, because only accurate predictoors will be making $ and sticking around.
“Trader” agents buy aggregate predictions, then use them to take action like buying or selling. The more accurate the predictions, the more easily they make $, the longer they stick around to keep buying prediction feeds from trading profits.
Predictoor is built on the Ocean Protocol stack, including contracts for tokenized data and middleware to cache metadata. To keep predictions private unless paid for, Predictoor uses Oasis Sapphire privacy-preserving EVM chain.
The initial dapp is live at predictoor.ai. It’s for up/down predictions of BTC, ETH, and other tokens’ prices. The dapp helps users build a mental model of Predictoor behavior. Predictoors and traders’ main workflow is to do run predicting / trading bots with the help of the Py SDK. We have seeded Predictoor with bots that have AI/ML models of accuracy comfortably above 50% — a precondition to make $ trading.