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Install Oasis Remote Signer Binary


You only need to install the Oasis Remote Signer binary if you intend to configure your Oasis node with a remote signer setup.

An example of such a setup is described in Using Ledger-backed Consensus Key with a Remote Signer.

The Oasis Remote Signer is a binary that is created from the Oasis Core repository’s go/oasis-remote-signer path.

It contains the logic for implementing various Oasis Core signers (i.e. Ledger-based signer, file-based signer or a combination of both via composite signer) and a gRPC service through which an Oasis node can connect to it and request signatures from it.


The Oasis Remote Signer is currently only supported on x86_64 Linux systems.

Downloading a Binary Release


We suggest that you build Oasis Remote Signer from source yourself for a production deployment of an Oasis node with a remote signer setup.

For convenience, we provide binaries that have been built by the Oasis Protocol Foundation. Links to the binaries are provided in the Network Parameters page.

Building From Source

Although highly suggested, building from source is currently beyond the scope of this documentation.

See Oasis Core’s Build Environment Setup and Building documentation for more details.


The code in the master branch might be incompatible with the code used by other nodes in the Mainnet.

Make sure to use the version specified in the Network Parameters.

Adding oasis-remote-signer Binary to PATH

To install the oasis-remote-signer binary for the current user, copy/symlink it to ~/.local/bin.

To install the oasis-remote-signer binary for all users of the system, copy it to /usr/local/bin.

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