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The governance service is responsible for providing an on-chain governance mechanism.

The service interface definition lives in go/governance/api. It defines the supported queries and transactions. For more information you can also check out the consensus service API documentation and the governance ADR specification.


The following sections describe the methods supported by the consensus governance service.

Submit Proposal

Proposal submission enables a new consensus layer governance proposal to be created.

Method name:



// ProposalContent is a consensus layer governance proposal content.
type ProposalContent struct {
Upgrade *UpgradeProposal `json:"upgrade,omitempty"`
CancelUpgrade *CancelUpgradeProposal `json:"cancel_upgrade,omitempty"`

// UpgradeProposal is an upgrade proposal.
type UpgradeProposal struct {

// CancelUpgradeProposal is an upgrade cancellation proposal.
type CancelUpgradeProposal struct {
// ProposalID is the identifier of the pending upgrade proposal.
ProposalID uint64 `json:"proposal_id"`


  • upgrade (optional) specifies an upgrade proposal.
  • cancel_upgrade (optional) specifies an upgrade cancellation proposal.

Exactly one of the proposal kind fields needs to be non-nil, otherwise the proposal is considered malformed.


Voting for submitted consensus layer governance proposals.

Method name:



type ProposalVote struct {
// ID is the unique identifier of a proposal.
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// Vote is the vote.
Vote Vote `json:"vote"`


Proposal Submitted Event


type ProposalSubmittedEvent {
// ID is the unique identifier of a proposal.
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// Submitter is the staking account address of the submitter.
Submitter staking.Address `json:"submitter"`

Emitted for every submitted proposal.

Proposal Finalized Event


type ProposalFinalizedEvent struct {
// ID is the unique identifier of a proposal.
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// State is the new proposal state.
State ProposalState `json:"state"`

Emitted when a proposal is finalized.

Proposal Executed Event


type ProposalExecutedEvent {
// ID is the unique identifier of a proposal.
ID uint64 `json:"id"`

Emitted when a passed proposal is executed.

Vote Event


type VoteEvent {
// ID is the unique identifier of a proposal.
ID uint64 `json:"id"`
// Submitter is the staking account address of the vote submitter.
Submitter staking.Address `json:"submitter"`
// Vote is the cast vote.
Vote Vote `json:"vote"`

Emitted when a vote is cast.

Consensus Parameters

  • gas_costs (transaction.Costs) are the governance transaction gas costs.
  • min_proposal_deposit (base units) specifies the number of base units that are deposited when creating a new proposal.
  • voting_period (epochs) specifies the number of epochs after which the voting for a proposal is closed and the votes are tallied.
  • quorum (uint8: [0,100]) specifies the minimum percentage of voting power that needs to be cast on a proposal for the result to be valid.
  • threshold (uint8: [0,100]) specifies the minimum percentage of VoteYes votes in order for a proposal to be accepted.
  • upgrade_min_epoch_diff (epochs) specifies the minimum number of epochs between the current epoch and the proposed upgrade epoch for the upgrade proposal to be valid. Additionally specifies the minimum number of epochs between two consecutive pending upgrades.
  • upgrade_cancel_min_epoch_diff (epochs) specifies the minimum number of epochs between the current epoch and the proposed upgrade epoch for the upgrade cancellation proposal to be valid.

Test Vectors

To generate test vectors for various governance transactions, run:

make -C go governance/gen_vectors

For more information about the structure of the test vectors see the section on Transaction Test Vectors.

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